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I know it's a Jam game and all, but I got kinda annoyed that reaching the "boss" at the end of level 2 with 0% fullness just maxes you out instantly anyway, even if you avoid the stuff(ing) that's supposed to fatten you, there's just some kind of huge wall there to be triply-extra-sure that the player can't avoid maxing out.

Other related  stuff:

  1. L2's secret handgun feels like it's there specifically to let you shoot the boss before it leaves the room, but there's no effect. I assume this was probably originally planned to be an easter egg way to finish the level?
  2. Can't shoot anyone in the final room of L2, even if you have guns. This includes trying to snipe them from the door. I assume this was also part of what I assume to be a secret way to beat L2 since the OTHER secret is a sniper rifle, which doesn't make sense otherwise in such a tiny map.
  3. I saw those corn bags and assumed it would've been for a third weapon that we'd get to use on the hens to fatten them up. I only found out later that their purpose is just to be shot to drop corn, which I found was kinda odd because there's no reason to shoot the bags, and walking through them just made me think they weren't implemented.



amazing game, wish there could be player pred tho...

Do you mean player prey? You eat like 100 hens in the game.

Hello. What do i do if at max fullness? or is there nothing i can do for that?

(2 edits) (+1)

You exit the level at the gates, but there's a bug in some previous version with a spider at those gates that didn't allow you to leave after picking up that spider, it's fixed already tho

Oh! ok, thank you.

great concept

is there more than one ending?

Afraid not, that was the original idea but deadlines y'know :0

how do you beat this? I killed all chickens but no end?

Someone discovered a bug that made the gate not let you exit if you collected a certain, deceptively tied-up-in-game-mechanics spider.
Fixed now!